KB0239 – Attaching and Deleting items to students edumate profile history

You can Attach items to and Delete items from a student’s or any edumate user’s profile history as per the following steps:

1. In Edumate type the student’s name into the search bar at the top.

2. The student’s profile should open (ff you get a list of students, click on the student you are searching for to open their profile) then click on the ‘history’ tab.

3. From this page you can add new notes/attachments, edit/download delete previous attachments, and search for items.

History item search (orange arrow) – type the name of a history item you are looking for and press enter to search for it

New notes / attachments (red arrows) – click on the appropriate type and a window will pop up to fill out the details of the new item (step 4 of this tutorial)

Modify / delete existing item (green arrow) – click on the small icon under the details column to modify that item (step 5 of this tutorial)

Download attachment (blue arrow) – click on the name of the attachment under the details column to download the item


4. If you are adding a new note or attachment, be sure to select a category for the item in the window that pops up before clicking OK.

5. If you are modifying an existing item, click the ‘Delete’ button from the window that pops up to delete that item.

6. Be sure to click Save after any changes to save any work you have done.