The Danebank Calendar is available through the Parent Portal (Edumate), which is the official source of calendar information at Danebank. Student’s timetables are also accessible through edumate as well as upcoming events specific to your student(s).
1. Enter the iDanenet address into your browser or click on this link:, then click on the Edumate icon to open the Edumate Login Page.
2. Enter your username and password and click Login.
3. Click on ‘Diary’ from the left menu.
4. From here you can click to view the school calendar (red arrow below), view student’s timetable(s) (orange arrow below) or see any specific upcoming events and assessment tasks your student is involved in (blue arrow below).
5. Student Timetables – clicking into student timetables will show you a weekly view of your student’s fortnightly timetable, as well as any assessments that are on/due for the displayed week.
6. School Calendar – Clicking into the school calendar (from step 5) will default to the current weekly view of the Danebank calendar showing all published events. You can switch between day/week/month by clicking the tabs, and traverse the calendar by clicking the adjacent days/weeks/months in the orange bar.
7. View specific year group events or dates in the School Calendar – you can use the ‘filters’ option in the top right hand corner to only show certain types of events (eg specific year groups) or go to specific dates in the calendar.
Please remember If you have any technical issues regarding access and usage of the Danebank Parent Portal, please feel welcome to email us at [email protected] to open a support ticket, or for any other enquiries at all you may call the Danebank Reception on (02) 9580 1415. Reception will be able to pass your question on to the best support person.