You can change the due date for tasks directly through the markbook in edumate.
NB: Make sure the due date for a task is set for the exact date the task will occur. If that date changes, or if you need to guess due to it being a long way off, you will need to revise the due date as you learn when the exact dates is so that it appears correctly on the portal for the students and parents.
1. In Teaching and Results, go into ‘Markbook’.
2. Select your course/class from the column on the left, then click ‘Show Marks’ (we are using 10 Commerce as an example here).
3. At the top of the column for the task you which to alter, click the cog button (circled in red below).
4. You can change the due date by clicking on the calendar button next to the due date field (circled in red below), then selecting the appropriate date. Make sure the due date for a task is set for the exact date the task will occur. If that date changes, or if you need to guess due to it being a long way off, you will need to revise the due date as you learn when the exact dates is so that it appears correctly on the portal for the students and parents.
5. Remember to click the save button to apply the changes.