You can use edumate to quickly locate a student or check their timetable.
1. In the search bar at the top of edumate, type in the name of the student you are looking for. You can choose to type in their fullname, or just do a search based on their first name, surname, or any part of their name; then click the magnifying glass to do the search. From the resulting list locate and click on the name of the girl you are looking for.
2. On the right hand side of the girl’s profile page, click the ‘Record Menu’ button (circled in green below). You will see an option ‘View Timetable’ (circled in red below) and ‘Where is’ (circled in yellow below) amongst others.
3. Clicking on ‘Where is…’ will show you the current location of the student and also their next location.
4. Clicking on ‘View Timetable…’ will show you the student’s timetable as below (you will need to scroll down to see the whole day). It will show you the current week be that A or B, so you will need to click forward a week to see the alternate week’s timetable. You can also choose a specific date from the column on the left to see a girls timetable at a specific point in time, which can be useful to see if a student is involved in events that may take her out of her normal timetable classes as these will appear on this timetable (Tue Day 7 as an example below).