KB0064 – Print an Excursion roll in Edumate

You can print Excursion Rolls that include emergency contacts and medical alerts easily through edumate following these steps.


1. From the edumate menu go into ‘Contacts’.

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2. At the top you will see some filters for choosing what type of list you like, you can choose ‘form’, ‘class’, or the ‘search type’ below lets you generate lists of co-curricular groups/houses etc (circled in red below).

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3. As an example, to choose a class, click the circle to the left of class, then click on the appropriate class you would like to generate a printed roll for in the box below.

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4. Click on the ‘Print’ button (circled in red below), then locate and click on the ‘Excursion Roll’ option within the drop-down menu (circled in yellow below).

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5. Once the roll has finished generating, a window will appear as below and you can choose to either print the document by selecting a printer and clicking ‘Print All’ (circled in red below), or open as a pdf (which you save and use to view on your ipad instead of printing or email to others, circled in yellow below).

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6. An example of the layout of an excursion roll that would be generated is below.