Teacher Guide to Just-In-Time Reporting on Edumate

This is a guide to illustrate some of the basic jobs and important changes that will be necessary for Just in Time Reporting in Edumate. The Edumate Tutorials Page contains tutorials for all the necessary edumate tasks you will perform during the year, which you can use in the future for quick reference. You will also see links in this guide to those tutorials related directly to Just in Time Reporting.

1. Task-Based Comment Writing 

All comments are written through the markbook. A few points about the new way comments are written:

  • A comment bank should have been set up for each course to make task comment writing fast and accurate.
  • When marking a task you will be able to compose comments that are a combination of the comment bank and things you type manually should you wish.
  • When you create comments in the markbook from the comment bank, it will never actually alter the comment bank contents. So you can edit what you like when you create student task comments, and the comment bank will be unchanged for the next comment.
  • Comments/marks will not be visible to students nor parents until teachers manually release them to the portal, to give you time to revise your comments and release them when they are ready.
  • Teachers can also attach rubrics to comments as they compose them.

The tutorial for writing task-based comments:

KB0185 – Writing Task-Based Comments

2. Releasing Comments & Marks to the portal 

When you are comfortable that the comments for a task are finished and ready, marks have been entered into the markbook and indicators have been set, one teacher per course will be responsible for manually release the results to the portal.

  • Parents have been given a rough expectation of a 2 week turnaround on most tasks but with the understanding this time frame may vary depending on the subject and the nature of the task.

The tutorial for releasing comments & marks to the portal:

KB0184 – Releasing Comments & Marks to the Portal

3. Tasks have a ‘Date’ in edumate that must be frequently reviewed 

Each task has a date attached to it which determines the date students and parents will see the task on their calendars, as well as determines when a task moves from being an ‘upcoming task’ to a ‘recent task’ on the student and parent portals (see the portal example at the end of this guide).

  • At the start of the year when tasks are setup on edumate, those tasks will be given dates that may need to be guessed to an extent, so you will need to advise your head of department whenever you have a better idea of roughly when a task will occur, and/or most importantly when you have a confirmed date for a task.
  • The more often this date for tasks can be updated, the more accurately it will appear on the students and parents calendars.
  • You will need to discuss with your Head of Department how this will be managed ongoing, and who will take responsibility for the updating of your task dates on edumate.

The tutorial for changing a task due date:

KB0052 – Changing the Date of a task

4. Semester Summary Reports for Students 

At the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2, a printed report will still go home, but will only contain the final mark and ranks a student achieved in each course, and no individual task information nor criteria. The other thing that summary will contain is ‘Social Developments’.

  • Teachers will need to complete the Social Developments for their students by the due date for each semester..

  • As per the image below, choose the form and semester from the drop down box, then the class you are recording social developments for, and then click the name of the first student that appears in the list.

  • Select one bubble for each social development.

  •  Click ‘Save and Next’ to save and move onto the next student.

  • An example of what the printed summary report may look like per subject:


5. Student Reflections and Confirmations 

Students will be required to submit reflections (in which they reflect/write about their areas of strength as well as areas for future improvement) and confirm their marks through their portal for every task. These reflections will be visible in the mark book next to the icon for teacher comments, and will have a tick on the icon once students have reflected with the content visible by clicking that student’s reflection icon:


These are all the main requirements for just in time reporting, keep scrolling down for an example of the Student’s Perspective of Just in Time Reporting!


If you would like any help at all with the changes and new procedures noted above that will be required for Just in Time Reporting on edumate next year, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the IT Department.


A Student’s Perspective – Student Portal Example:

Below is an brief example of how the students will see their results on the portal. You can view the Student Guide for the Danebank Home Portal that the students will refer to for more details about how they will use the portal if you like!

Parents will be able to view all the following examples through their portal also.

(a) The students will see all their upcoming and recent tasks listed in the portal as follows:

(b) As tasks move to the ‘Recent Task Results’ area, but before they are released, they will appear with a ‘pending’ status (orange arrow below). When teachers release marks the markbook, the status will change to ‘Results’ which the students can click into (green arrow below):

(c) When teachers release results for a given task, ‘Show Task Result’ will change to a blue link that the students can click into as follows:

Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 1.01.31 pm

(d) The students upon clicking this, will only see only their comment to begin with, and will need to provide a reflection in which they reflect/write about their areas of strength as well as areas for future improvement, before their mark/rank is revealed to them.

Task details before submitting reflection:

(e) Upon submitting a reflection, students will see their comments, indicators and marks in their portal.

Results visible to students after reflection:

Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 1.04.18 pm

(f) Students will finally be required to click a button to Confirm the mark they have received is correct, through which means they are accepting their mark is accurate and taking responsibility for that result.